Endorsing Organizations

Socialism 2024 is brought to you by Haymarket Books, in partnership with the following organizations and media:

Dream Defenders
Debt Collective
Democratic Socialists of America
Hammer & Hope
The Real News Network
In These Times
Chicago for Abortion Rights
The New Press
Pilsen Community Books
Lux Magazine logo
Jewish Currents
Logo for The Dig
NYC for Abortion Rights
Railroad Workers United
Chi-Nations logo
Detention Watch Network
PM Press
Adalah Justice Project
Jewish Voice For Piece
Missouri Justice Coalition
Pluto Press
Muslims For Just Futures
Science for the People
Study and Struggle
Emergency Workplace Organizing
Pinko Pinko
The logo for the podcast Death Panel
Autonomous Tenants Union Network
Los Angeles Tenants Union
Community Justice Exchange logo
Logo for rs. The full name for the organization is Rethinking Schools.
W.E.B. Du Bois Movement School for Abolition and Reconstruction
WV, the logo for Worker's Voice US
REAL Youth Initiative
Midnight Sun
Capitalism Nature Socialism
Stand With Kashmir
33rd Ward Working Families
Respair production and media
Dissent logo
Center for Political Education logo
Highlander Research and Education Center logo
Critical Resistance logo
Palestinian Feminist Collective
The New Inquiry logo
Between the Lines bookstore
Law and Political Economy Project
Black Men Build
Surveillance Resistance lab
Seven Stories
Cooperation Milwaukee logo
Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty
The public eye
Logo for Religion Dispatches
Writers against the war on Gaza
Salon Kawakib
Against the Current
Socialist, Feminist, Anti-Racist
Socialism from below
Black Rose Anarchist Federation

Federacion Anarquista rosa negra
The International Marxist-Humanist
For a humanist alternative to Capitalism
Liberation Road

El Camino para la liberacion
Arab Resource & Organizing Center
Climate & Community Institure
Autonomous University of Social Movements
Chicago Cuba Coalition
Decarcerate Kansas City
Kashmir Gulposh
Peace Justice Prosperity
Chicago Torture Justice Memorials Foundation
Hindus for Human Rights
Civil Rights Corps
Social Justice Initiative
Logo for Daniel Singer Prize
In The Belly
Reform and Revolution
A Marxist caucus of the Democratic Socialists of America
City Life Vida Urbana
Stand Up, Fight Back
Indigenous Grounds
Haymarket Books