2024 Sessions Preview

This list is incomplete and still subject to changes. Final session information and schedule will be available in late July or early August.


  • Capital and Abolition
  • How to Abolish Prisons: Lessons from the Movement against Imprisonment
  • World Building Workshop: Abolition, Solidarity and Decolonization
  • We Lie To Cops: Lessons From Incarcerated Radicals
  • Parent-Led Organizing Against Incarceration, From the US to Palestine
  • From the Death Chambers to Cop City: How the South is Pushing Back Against State Violence
  • Rabble Rousers’ Git’ Down: Social with Incarcerated Abolitionists
  • Challenging Police Surveillance Technologies: A Workshop with #StopShotSpotter
  • Dismantling Carceral Debt: An Abolitionist Manifesto 
  • Abolishing the Child Welfare (aka Family Policing) System
  • Policing the Platform: Surveillance, the Techno-State, and National Security

Health Politics & Disability Justice

  • Care Not Courts: Resisting Carceral Psychiatry and the Pathologization of Dissent 
  • Treatment Not Trauma: Organizing for Public Care in Late Capitalism
  • Drinking Up the Revolution: A Socialist Politics of Alcohol

International Politics

  • Solidarity without Exception: The Left and the Struggle for National Liberation
  • US Sanctions on Cuba and the Global South: Cost and Response
  • China in Global Capitalism: Building International Solidarity against Imperial Rivalry
  • From Chávez to Maduro: Understanding Venezuela Today


  • Palestine and Global Liberation
  • Palestine, Fossil Capitalism, and US Power in the Middle East
  • Labor and Palestine: Building Trade Union and Worker-Led Solidarity
  • Ten Myths About Zionism
  • How to Divest from Israel: BDS Organizing in 2024
  • The Revolution of 1936-1939 in Palestine
  • The Call of Hind’s Hall: Eyewitness to the Columbia Student Encampment for Gaza
  • Isolating Israel: Organizing for the Academic and Cultural Boycott
  • Religion at the Encampments
  • Jewish-Muslim Solidarity: Building a Decolonial Alternative to Zionist Hegemony
  • A Potent Christian Left and the Fight for a Free Palestine

Black Liberation

  • Survival is a Promise: The Eternal Life of Audre Lorde
  • South to South, Jim Crow to Apartheid
  • Black-Palestinian Solidarity
  • New Men Must be Born: Community Organizing and Cultural Production as Healing Strategy


  • Mastering the Universe: Who Is The Ruling Class (and How Do We Take Their Money)?
  • Killer Debt: Global South and North
  • Cooperatives, Socialized Power, and the Reproduction of Economic Alternatives

Education Justice

  • Capitalism’s New Attacks on Public Education

Housing Justice

  • Abolish Rent: How Tenants Can End the Housing Crisis
  • From Tenant Organizing to Social Housing for All
  • Assembly and Territory: Building Popular Power in Los Angeles

Imperialism & Anti-Imperialism

  • The Dig LIVE: War on a Warming World
  • Dismantling Imperial Feminism
  • Ending Sacrifice Zones: Fighting Racism and Imperialism through Climate Justice
  • From the River to the Sea: UAW Labor for Palestine
  • Building Solidarity Against Israel’s Tech-Augmented Apartheid and Global Border Export
  • From Fanon to Falasteen: Decolonial Theory in Practice
  • An Independent Guåhan: Indigenous Resistance and Self-Determination in the Face of US Imperialism
  • Between Two Fires: Left Perspectives on the War on Ukraine

Radical History

  • If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution
  • Revisiting the 1960s: Lessons for the Left
  • Against Apartheid, Against Empire: Learning from the South African Struggle

Climate Justice

  • Environmentalism from Below: How Global People’s Movements Are Leading the Fight for Our Planet
  • Demilitarization and Climate Justice: Winning a Just Transition to a Peace Economy
  • An Ecosocialism that Builds: What’s Next for the Green New Deal?
  • The World’s Looming Nuclear Threats
  • “How will we remember this?” Movement Memory and the Line 3 Storytelling Anthology
  • Help This Garden Grow: Ethics of Care, Environmental Justice, and Media-Making for Liberation

Fighting the Right

  • The Black Antifascist Tradition
  • Fascism and the Authoritarian Disposition of Capitalist Rule
  • Christian Zionism 101: What it is, Who’s Behind it, & How to Fight it
  • What Must Be Done: Defeating Project 2025 and the Neo-Fascist Right
  • Save the Library, Save the World
  • A New Red Scare?

Labor Movement

  • Labor Beyond the Shopfloor
  • Building Democratic Rank-and-File Caucuses: Radicalizing the Labor Movement through Collective Struggle
  • Blue Collar Empire: On the History of the ‘AFL-CIA’ and Possibilities for Labor Internationalism
  • Autoworker Solidarity Across Borders
  • Sex Work: It’s Just a Job [Documentary Screening and Discussion]
  • Fragile Juggernaut: Looking at the 21st Century Labor Movement from the Vantage Point of the CIO

Skill Sharing

  • Socialists at Work: How to Successfully Talk to Coworkers About Forming a Union
  • De-escalation for Movement Organizers
  • Building the Radical Power of Movement Journalists
  • Storytelling for Social Justice: Using Oral History in Community and Movement Building

Socialist Strategy

  • Not in Our Names: Organizing Against Supremacy and Towards Solidarity
  • From the Ashes: Grief, Care, and Time in our Movements
  • The Role of Law in Left Movement Strategy
  • Aging as Socialists: Building Organization Across the Phases of Life
  • The Genocidal Returns of Lesser Evilism: the US Elections and Left Strategy
  • The Movement Mayor? A Critical Assessment of Brandon Johnson’s First Year
  • Movement Journalism and the Fall of Legacy Media 

Culture & Art

  • I Guess It Was My Destiny to Live So Long: Exploring the Work of June Jordan
  • Sports and the Fight for a Free Palestine
  • The Artistic Commons in Prison and the Path to Abolition
  • Printmaking for the Masses: Political Stamping Workshop (Kid Friendly)
  • Making the Revolution Irresistible: Street Theatre Practices and Methodologies from New York to New Delhi
  • Art for Labor’s Sake: Putting Art in Service of the Movement


  • Palestinian Feminism: A Transformative, Decolonial Praxis
  • A Short History of Trans Misogyny
  • Politicians Won’t Save Us: Fighting for Abortion Rights Beyond the Ballot Box
  • Bodily Autonomy and Trans Rights: Undoing Fascism at its Roots
  • What is Gay Communism?

Indigenous Liberation

  • Our History is the Future: The Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance
  • Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
  • Settler Colonialism: An Introduction
  • Warrior Women: Film Screening and Discussion
  • Settler Colonialism in Kashmir and the Struggle for Liberation
  • Confronting the Peaceful Indian and Other Tropes as Essential to Building Solidarity
  • Settler Colonialism in the US and Israel

Migrant Justice

  • Unbuild Walls: Why Immigrant Justice Needs Abolition
  • Estamos en La Lucha: Building the Migrant Justice Movement

Socialist & Marxist Theory

  • Lenin and the Politics of Rehearsal
  • 175 Years Since the Communist Manifesto: Why Marxism (Still) Matters
  • Marxism, Domination, and Freedom: Toward a Politics of Socialist Emancipation

Check back for updates!